Est. 1979
By - LAWS as of March, 2017
CLUB PURPOSE: The purpose of the East Coast Camaro Club, Inc is to provide an outlet for Camaro enthusiasts to organize
and associate with other Camaro enthusiasts and to act as an organization which can share knowledge of and preserve the history
of the Camaro motor vehicle. Also to promote and encourage charitable giving and philanthropy and to support various charitable
and philanthropic organizations.
Open to anyone with an interest in Camaros and includes all members of that household.
Dues are $25.00 per year, payable at the time of joining and renewed each year.
* You'll be able to advertise for free in the Classifieds section of the club website.
* You'll have access to information about car shows, new products, and what's going on in the car world.
* You will have access to the club website for up to the minute events and club happenings.
* You'll be eligible to buy club items such as hats, jackets, shirts, pins, logos, etc.
The club will meet every third Sunday of each month, unless otherwise arranged. The meeting place will be designated by
the President and announced on the website and Facebook. Officers will have separate meetings, scheduled at their convenience,
to plan and organize the events throughout the year. Special committee meetings will be held as needed.
Nominations for Officers are to be held at the October meeting, with elections at the November meeting. Any member who
attended at least 1/3 of club events may send in an absentee ballot to vote. Officer elections will be done on a ballot and
counted by a non-candidate. Term of office is from January 1 – Dec 31.
By-Law changes may be brought up at any time of the year and amended quarterly. 15 or more members must be at a meeting
to vote on any by-law changes.
For special events, a committee may be formed with volunteers and a chairperson who will report to the President as needed.
As voted on by the officers, the following awards are given:
Appreciation award
Rookie of the Year
Attendance award
Other Special Awards as deemed appropriate by the officers.
The above Yearly Awards are for general membership only. Yearly awards are given out at the holiday party. Periodic service
awards may be given any time.
Officers can also nominate a member for Lifetime Membership status, which must be approved by a unanimous vote of the
officers. Lifetime Memberships can only be given once in a Calendar year.
* Must be a member for 2 years to run with 50% attendance or more.
* Must own a Camaro and must have previously held a lower officer position.
* Presides over regular membership and officer meetings.
* Provides meeting place.
* Appoints members to special committees or other assignments, such as Photographer or Special Events Coordinator.
* Decides which officers will maintain club items.
* Acts as the main contact for other persons trying to reach the club.
* Insures that club website and Facebook pages are maintained by a responsible member of the club.
* Appoints members to special committees/assignments as appropriate.
* In the event the President resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote of the
remaining officers), the Vice-President will become President.
* Must be a member for 2 years to run with 50% attendance or more.
* Must own a Camaro and must have previously held a lower officer position.
* Presides over regular membership and officer meetings in the absence of the President.
*Handles all club correspondence not specifically designated by another officers duties, with all other officers assistance.
*In the event the Vice-President resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote of
the remaining officers), nominations for a replacement will be made at a club meeting, with elections held at the next club
* Responsible for taking event attendance.
* Responsible for sending out letters and special notices to membership, including 'good & welfare' correspondence,
cards, flowers, etc.
* Takes accurate notes of meetings and club events for reporting to the membership.
* Retains copies of monthly membership officer’s reports.
* In the event the Secretary resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote of the
remaining officers), nominations for a replacement will be made at a club meeting, with elections held at the next club meeting.
* Must be a member for 2 years to run with 50% attendance or more.
* Handles all banking and bill paying for the club.
* Maintains a set of books with financial records for membership to view.
* Maintains a checking account with the President as co-signer.
* Receives and distributes the mail.
* Receives dues and other payments to club and records their origin.
* Forwards membership applications received to the Membership Officer.
* In the event the Treasurer resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote of the
remaining officers), nominations for a replacement will be made at a club meeting, with elections held at the next club meeting.
* Registers all new members and mails out membership packets.
* Keeps a current membership list and reports it to other officers.
* Mails out membership renewal notices.
* Greets new members and introduces them at club events.
* Helps the Treasurer with dues and renewals.
* Maintains club gear.
* In the event the Membership Officer resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote
of the remaining officers), nominations for a replacement will be made at a club meeting, with elections held at the next
club meeting.
SECURITY: (1 or more Positions)
* Provides items for monthly raffle and runs the raffle, turns money into Treasurer.
* Runs the fining session at monthly meetings and turns money into Treasurer.
* Maintains order and security at all club events.
* Additional temporary Security Officers may be appointed by the President at any time.
* In the event a Security Officer resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties (as determined by a majority vote of
the remaining officers), nominations for a replacement will be made at a club meeting, with elections held at the next club
* All officers will maintain good standing with the club.
* All officers and those in appointed positions will have a telephone, an email address, and a club phone directory.
* All officers will contribute reports to the meetings.
* No officer will spend more than $50.00 of club money without receiving approval by a majority vote of the officers.
* Any officer missing 3 club meetings without a valid excuse may be subject to be voted out of the position.
* All officers must turn in club items when their term expires.
* All members will conduct themselves in an orderly manner to ensure and respect the rights of others and their property.
* Members will obey any and all rules of any establishment where club functions are held, according to the proprietor
of the location.
* When members are speaking, others are required to listen.
* All members should wear official club shirts to club events.
* All members are encouraged to buy club clothing e.g. hats, shirts, jackets, etc.
* Parties after club events are not considered club functions and members do so at their own discretion.
* If four or more members’ Camaros represent the club at a car show, it's automatically a club event, and someone
must turn in an attendance record to the Secretary.
* These by-laws are for the safe and healthy running of the East Coast Camaro Club.
* The club reserves the right to vote anyone out if they do not adhere to them.
* No passing in convoy unless a reason requires it.
* A member will be designated for each trip as a convoy leader, who should obtain phone numbers or other contact information
for all the participants. Last person in line should also have the list of names and phones numbers.
* The last car in line will pull over with anyone who breaks down and call the leader to instruct the convoy whether to
continue or to pull over at the nearest safe stopping point. Only leave for emergencies.
* Follow in convoy at a close, but safe, distance.
* All Camaros go first in a convoy unless special circumstances apply.
* No horseplay, burnouts, or speeding in a convoy. You represent the club out there.
* All participants in the convoy must obey applicable traffic laws.
* Cars unable to keep up may request the convoy go slower.
* All people in the convoy are encouraged to share their cell phone numbers for contact purposes.
Dissolution of the Club:
If, by at least a 2/3 vote, the membership feels the club is no longer able to serve its purpose, the club may be dissolved.
Upon dissolution, after all outstanding liabilities have been satisfied, the net proceeds of all sales and all remaining assets
shall be donated to a non-profit car club with similar interests to the East Coast Camaro Club and/or a charitable organization
designated by the membership.